Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Give the Second B12 Shot

Actually, compared to everything else, giving her the second B12 shot (the doctor gave the first one) was not bad at all. I decided to wait until a few minutes before I normally wake her up. I wake her up most days around 8:45, because if I don't she will sleep all morning and stay up half the night, her natural clock being very much like her mama's. Anyway, it was over in .5 seconds and she barely stirred. We only have to do it every three days. As far as any impact it seems to be having, we are seeing a lot of language, eye-contact and social interaction, all great to see. She seems to be continuing to move forward in all areas, especially the past 2 days. Hopefully she is through the rough patch and on a more permanent upward-curve. We are so happy to have our happy girl back (well, mostly happy...)


  1. Wow, would she really sleep all morning? That sounds like heaven...

  2. She would sleep until 9:30 or 10:00 if I let her, but then she's still going full-speed at midnight.
